Genau Pathology Laboratories provides DNA testing services using the latest cutting edge technology and scientific processes.
GPL offers 100% accurate and reliable results for determining a child’s biological father. We examine the child’s DNA and identify which half is inherited from the father. The test can be performed at any time on a person of any age, including new-born babies and grown-up children/adults.
When testing the biological father of the child, both will share enough DNA markers to confirm a biological relationship. If the tested man is not the biological father, this will not be the case.
Paternity testing is a highly accurate method of identifying whether a man is a child’s biological father.
For a peace of mind paternity test, cheek (buccal) swabs are used to collect cheek cell DNA from the alleged father(s) and the child.
These samples can then be analysed and compared in the laboratory to identify matching DNA markers (loci) in the DNA samples.
Every person inherits half of their DNA from each of their biological parents, so such a comparison can help us to establish
the probability of paternity.
When testing the biological father, both the man and the child will share
enough identical sections of DNA to confirm a biological relationship. If the tested man is not the
biological father, this will not be the case.
A ‘peace of mind’ test means that the paternity test can be self-administered at home using one of our kits that we will send to an address of your choice, in discreet, plain packaging.
It can be used for your own knowledge and peace of mind, but as the samples will have been collected by you (self-administered) the results of the DNA test cannot be used in legal proceedings.
It is still a 100% accurate and reliable form of paternity testing, and if you only need it for your own knowledge, then it is a more affordable solution to determining the paternity of a child.
A ‘court-approved’ paternity test is a test that can be used as proof of paternity in legal cases. The difference
here is that the DNA samples are collected by a third party under chain of custody conditions. In these
circumstances, a trained sample collector will ensure the DNA samples are collected from the right people,
that the correct consent is obtained, and that the DNA samples are safely transported back to the laboratory
to prevent the possibility of tampering.
The process in the laboratory and the results are just as accurate for a peace of mind test as they are for
a legal paternity test. However, having the DNA samples collected under chain of custody conditions reduces
the possibility of foul-play for legal paternity testing, such as tampering and bogus sample donation (e.g.
the wrong person’s sample being used due to a fraudulent submission).
DNA testing can be an extremely emotional time, and not all our customers want other people to know that they are undertaking such tests.
That’s why we go to great lengths to ensure 100% privacy and confidentiality for our customers, from the moment you visit our facilities,
to the delivery of your results in a secure way.
Steps we take to ensure confidentiality throughout the testing process include:
DNA testing can be used to learn a number of things including susceptibility to a range of diseases; however, the DNA sample that is taken for our paternity test will only be used for paternity testing.
Customers can be reassured that information regarding their test results is only released to those individuals that the customer nominates.
Genau Pathology Laboratories conforms to the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Samples are destroyed after three months and all identification paperwork –hard copy and electronic files – are destroyed after 5 years.
When two or more people have the same biological parents, they are classed as full siblings. Half siblings only share one biological parent – the mother or father.
For a sibling DNA test, cheek swabs are used to collect DNA samples from each sibling. For the most conclusive result, we also ask for the biological mother’s DNA sample, if available.
Once these samples arrive at the laboratory, our in-house geneticists analyse and compare the DNA samples to determine the genetic profile of the possible siblings
Our Sibling DNA test results are 100% accurate and reliable based on the samples we receive at our laboratory.
Yes, the Sibling DNA test can be used to determine whether individuals are half siblings.
Half siblings share one biological parent – the mother or father – and will normally
share more DNA than people who are not related.
This makes it possible to use sibling DNA testing to determine whether individuals are:
For the most conclusive result, we do ask that the biological mother also provides a cheek swab sample, if possible.
However, this is not essential, and we can still perform a sibling DNA test without the mother’s sample.
Your test kit will contain enough cheek swabs to collect DNA from two siblings and the biological mother (if available).
Our standard grandparent test is already industry-leading, as it analyses 25 DNA markers (the industry standard only analyses 16-21 markers).
What makes Genau Labs unique is that we can also analyse up to 45 DNA markers. This allows more genetic material to be analysed, which strengthens the result and provides additional reassurance.
This is ideal for customers who want the most powerful DNA test available.
It is also particularly useful in tests of a more complex nature, such as a grandparent test, where the chance of obtaining a conclusive result will always be lower than the more straightforward paternity or maternity tests. This is because the DNA hasn’t been directly inherited. The enhanced test will increase the chance of obtaining a conclusive result.
A guaranteed result or your money back.
At Genau Labs we know that you want a DNA test to get an answer. However, we need to tell you that not all
tests are conclusive and you may not get a definitive answer to your question.
It is the best kept secret within the industry that aunt/uncle testing can be up to 40% inconclusive
(four people out of 10 will not get a result after paying for the test). Our award-winning DNA laboratory
has managed to reduce this inconclusive rate to 28%, so only around one in four people will not get
a decisive answer.
This is obviously an improvement but is still not acceptable to Genau Labs. Consequently, we have
introduced our guaranteed result or your money back promise.