The following test profiles are available on request:
- Allergy Profile
- Allergy
- Haemoglobinopathies
- STI Screen (including VDLR/RPR testing, C. trachomatis, HSVI & II, HIVI+II)
- Arthritic Screen (including FBC, ESR, CRP, RF, Uric Acid and ANF)
- Antenatal Screen (including FBC, Syphilis, Rubela, Blood Grouping - ABO & Rhesus, Antibody Screen and Titre, HIVI+II)
- Torch Screen (including Toxoplasmosis, Rubella, CMV and HSV)
- Haemolysis Screen (including FBC, Retic count, Bilirubin, Direct Coombs and haptoglobulin)